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I Just Feel It's Going To Happen

Okay so where do I begin? This is my first time ever blogging and I'm actually excited to share my thoughts, opinions and wisdom. Because this is my first blog, I thought it would be appropriate to share my journey over the last 5 months.

On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 I received the following prophetic word from young prophet Elijah Berrian:

"But as I heard Father say, you’re getting back into your writing and singing again. I see you writing this song, and it’s like…you keep writing “The Lord is Great” but there is another one that you’re going to sing, “Because I love the Lord” or “I love the Lord”…something like that along the lines. I see you doing it. I see you doing the scale on the piano. I see you doing this and I see you going into a studio. On April 11th you’re going to schedule something again. I see these concerts and things that you’re going to do…and get the CD. You’ve been trying to figure out “what am I going to name this?” There is going to be another person that is going to sing with you. I see a girl. I see this girl. Which one of your children are into music? I see her. Father says you’re going to do this CD and you’re going to get it named…the album and everything. I see you going on these gospel stations and I see you touring. You’re getting ready because the Father says this is the time that He is going to bless you and this is a season where you are coming back into your prime. What you did in 1998 or 2000 or whatever it was…the Father says He is bringing you back up. It’s going to happen for you. “It’s your time and you’re getting this blessing that you’ve been waiting on”. I just feel it is going to happen. Believe in the gospel so you be established…believe in my prophets and so shall you prosper."

Wow! What a word. Now you will learn over time how much I love the prophetic. The bible says in Ephesians 4:11 - 12, "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." So when I receive, "The Word of the Lord" I get excited because God is allowing another opportunity for me to be equipped for service!!!

So getting back to the prophetic the time I was one of four worship leaders at my church. But after hearing the word, I began to hear so much new music that leading worship once a month on Sunday was no longer fulfulling to me. I started taking piano lessons again and I began to write out my songs. Song and after song would come and sometimes I would be on the bus coming home from work. I couldn't wait to get off the bus just so I could belt out what I was hearing. I connected with a producer that I had worked with a couple of months earlier (Shawn George) for the Hewlett Packard project. I told him that I wanted to do a live CD but that quickly changed when I realized that was not in my budget...YET! So I decided to take things slow and do one song. I went into the studio in April and recorded, "No Greater Love". I released the single June 1, 2014 and that's when everything began. My producer, Shawn George told me, "Now when you release this single, other producers are going to want to work with you." Little did he know but he was prophecying.

Long story short...super-producer Derek "DOA" Allen called me through a mutal acquaintance and said he wanted to work with me. I began to send him my songs until I received a call from my piano teacher in Nashville. She stated that Nathan Watkins, producer of the NBC 2nd Season TV show "Smash" requested to work with me as well and could we set-up a conference call. I turned to my husband and said, "What is God doing?"

So when I realized God was truly working on my behalf, doing one song at a time was in the past. I walked into the studio and told Shawn, "I'm releasing my entire project - 10 songs August 1st. I could see the anxiety overtake him.

I put together a plan as the bible says, "Write the vision and make it plain". Then I emptied out my 401K. I didn't want every song on my project to sound the same so I sent some song's to DOA, some to Jevon Brown in Louisianna, some to Maulik "Gumbo" Smith in Dallas, one to Jeremy Schwanke here in Houston, Marlon Chapman here in Houston and Crystal Barker in Nashville.

As the music begin to come in and I began to lay my vocals and backgrounds, I myself could not believe the outcome. The music was amazing and I noticed there was a new anointing on my voice. I decided I wanted to hear God's voice clearly in this season and be led by the Holy Spirit in all decisions. So my husband and I went on a 40 day consecration. We arise at 4:30 every morning and go down into our garage in our truck and we pray. We pray for this project, we pray for everyone who hears this project, we pray that signs and wonders will follow as a result: the lame will walk, the deaf will hear, the blind will see. We pray that the anointing of God rest on this project to destroy the yolks of bondage. We pray for all the producers, musicians and studio engineers. Finally we thank God that He and only He is doing exceeding, abundantly above all that I can think or ask of. So I have 7 songs completed in only 2 months. I have the vocals laid for the remaining three but I am waiting on the music. God is truly my helper.

So when I look back at the word that I received, yes I'm taking piano lessons, my 10-year old daughter Amirah wrote a song entitled, "I Love You" and she is singing on the project with me, I wrote a song entitled, "Lord You're Great" and now I am going back and forth on what to name the project. Initially I wanted to name the project after my single, "No Greater Love" but today I listened to my entire project and the hottest song on the project is "No Chains". So at this point...I'm still not sure. I will just have to keep praying until God leads me.

Well for my first blog that is I will stop here. Thanks for stopping by!

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