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The Seven Spirits Before The Throne of God - The Spirit of Knowledge

I've been on an AMAZING journey with the Holy Spirit and I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg. Within the last six months specifically, the Holy Spirit has given me a hunger and a thirst for the Word of God as never before. It is through the Word that the Holy Spirit has unlocked the kingdom of God within me. And the MUSIC....O my goodness, the music that I am hearing is straight from the throneroom of God.

Please know that I am not boasting in or of myself because I could NEVER imagine the depths in which the Holy Spirit has allowed me to explore. Instead I am boasting in my heavenly Father because it is from the Father that the Holy Spirit receives and in turn allows me to hear.

This journey of going deep within began at the beginning of the year when I released my music video. Many readers shared a near-death experience. One experience in particular caught my attention. A young lady from Equador (Angelica Zambrano) was dead for 23 hours

Angelica quoted a scripture that caught my attention; Jeremiah 33:3, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Another translation says, "great and unsearchable things you do not know."

I began to meditate on this scripture, and things began to happen. The Holy Spirit is leading me into all truth and giving a clear perception of God, who I am in God, my purpose and my destiny...HALLELUJAH!!! This is the function of the Spirit of Knowledge, to provide a clear perception of God.

Psalm 119:11 says, "I have hidden your word in my heart..." and if I saturate my heart with the word of God (daily), eventually it will overflow and begin to flood my soul. My soul is where my mind, will, and emotions reside. I make decisions based on the condition of my soul. If my heart is full of the word and overflowing to my soul, my choices line up with the word of God. If I do not meditate on the word of God (daily) then my heart waxes cold and impacts my soul. In turn I begin to fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

I say all of that to say, as I die daily and the word of God grows stronger within me (Galatians 2:20), the Holy Spirit responds to the word within me. The greater the word, the deeper the level of which the Holy Spirit can unlock and reveal a part of heaven within me.

This next project documents my journey of the Holy Spirit unlocking heaven within me over the last six months. It should be titled, "From Deep Within" . At the beginning of the year I sent my producer, Derek "DOA" Allen 8 songs for this upcoming project. During our first meeting we went through each of the songs and Derek said the following, "Okay...we can use 2 songs from this first batch."

I wake-up everyday asking God what will He allow me to hear today! I am very excited about what God is doing and as I look back I can see so much growth. This has encouraged me to press even more toward the mark for the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus.

I would like to encourage you to meditate upon the word of God and allow the Spirit of Knowledge to give you a clear perception of God and who you are in God today.

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