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MaranCam Video Blog Featuring Amirah Forney

This weekend I had the opportunity to minister "Your Name Is Good" from my new project, "You Give Me Life". My 10-year old daughter was so inspired by the song that she asked to minister in dance during the song. The bible says to train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart. I know Amirah is a worshipper and loves to minister in song and dance even though she has never been trained. So I agreed.

I had not seen her dance until after watching the video below. My eyes filled with tears when I saw the footage. Even though she has not been trained...she has something that can not be taught...passion. You see and feel her love for God in every movement. Of course after seeing this video I will find someone to provide formal training in voice and dance. But take a look at the following video.

Earlier in the evening Amirah also ministered through song, "Healer" by Kari Jobe. Her voice is so unique and strong to be so young. My mother says she reminds her of me when I was her age. I don't remember singing as well as Amirah and having as much passion. But Amirah is no stranger to music. For mother's day last year she wroter a song for me entitled, "I Love You". When I heard the song I said, "My....that is a worship song." Fast forward a year later. When I decided to record a full EP, Amirah asked if she could sing her song. I thought how appropriate but instead of the song being for me...let's sing it unto God. So "I Love You" was written and recorded by Amirah.

Later I told Amirah, "My...I am so proud of you. You are a very special young lady and I pray that you always love God and keep Him first in your life. What you have is so special and daddy and I will do whatever we have protect you and your anointing. Never compromise yourself or your anointing because the enemy will come to deceive you but if you continue to stay focused on God and listen to his voice only...the devil will eventually flee."

I know Amirah has a wonderful future ahead and I am excited about what God is doing in this beautiful child's life. She loves talking about God to her classmates which is in line with her name. Amirah means, "Princess - One who speaks" and she is not afraid to speak about God. I love when she comes home to tell me how she ministered to someone at school or how she led someone to Christ. She studies the bible without my husband and I telling her to and every night when we come together to pray as a family, she is the first to say, "Can I pray?" What a blessing she and all of my children are. It's nothing that my husband and I have done. I truly believe she was born this way. She is wise beyond her years.

I will end this blog with a clip of Amirah singing, "Healer" by Kari Jobe. Once again thanks for stopping by and I pray that you too are touched by this beautiful gift from God named Amirah Forney.

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