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Maranda and Michael Featured on Dying To Be Married Broadcast

Marriage is not always as easy as some may think. The challenges, as well as life's unforeseen circumstances all too often, will stretch a relationship beyond limits. For some, this is the place where the "I do's" turn into the "Not any mores" of marriage. But is there a remedy, a formula for making your marriage not only survive, but even flourish a midst the fiery trials?

We are honored to be joined by our special guests "Michael Forney" and his wife of 23 years, Contemporary Gospel Recording Artist, Published Author & Radio host "Maranda Forney".

Join us as they share with us the key to a strong and lasting marriage. As we continue our "The Season of Thanksgiving" series. Visit our website to listen to previous broadcasts and view other ministry resources including their page @ Invite and share with others. You are welcome!

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